Important books to read on high energy
astrophysics and extensive air showers
- P.Lena: Observational Astrophysics. Springer-Verlag (1988).
- P.Sokolsky: Introduction to Ultrahigh Energy Cosmic Ray Physics.
Addison-Wesley (Frontiers in Physics, 1989)
- V.S.Berezinski, S.V.Bulanov, V.A.Dogiel, V.L.Ginzburg,
V.S.Ptuskin: Astrophysics of Cosmic Rays. North-Holland (1990).
- T.K.Gaisser: Cosmic Rays and Particle Physics. Cambridge University
Press (1992).
- M.S.Longair: High energy Astrophysics. Cambridge University Press.
- Vol I: Particles, photons and their detection (1992)
- Vol II: Stars, the galaxy and the interstellar medium (1994)
- Vol III: Extragalactic high energy astrophysics (to be published)
- A.Vilenkin, E.P.S.Shellard: Cosmic strings and other topological
defects. Cambridge University Press (1994).
- Matts Roos: Introduction to Cosmology. Wiley (1994).
- T.Padmanabhan: Cosmology and astrophysics through problems.
Cambridge U Press (1996). [Some college-level problems on acceleration and
propagation processes. Interesting for teachers.]
- Ian Robson: Active galactic nuclei. Wiley (1996).
- David N. Schramm: The Big Bang and other explosions in nuclear and
particle astrophysics. World Scientific (1996). [A compilation of articles by
Schramm and co-authors. Some treat of Topological Defects, UHECRs, neutrino
astronomy etc...]
- Roger Clay & Bruce Dawson: Cosmic bullets. Allen & Unwin
(Frontiers of Science, 1997). [An up-to-date and large-audience review of the
Cosmic Ray physics and detection techniques.]
- Bradley M. Peterson: An Introduction to Active Galactic Nuclei. (Cambridge University Press, 1997)