Auger Collaboration
This is the nominative list of the Auger Collaboration full-members. A full-member group is one whose institution (through the group) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Collaboration.
For the addresses, phone and fax numbers of the institutions, see the Fermilab page. Group representatives (Collaboration Board members) are indicated by a "*". The (S) indicates the PhD students.
The "Associate Countries" listed in this document are those which participate in the project through a full-member country, the latter being the sole responsible of the relations with the Project Management and the Finance Board.
Spokesman Emeritus : James W. Cronin (Chicago)
Spokesman : Alan A. Watson (Leeds)
Co-Spokesman : Hans Bluemer (Karlsruhe)
Collaboration Board Chair : Teresa Dova (La Plata)
Collaboration Board Co-Chair : Paul Sommers (Utah)
(Country representative: Alberto Etchegoyen)
- Departamento de Física TANDAR
Gualberto Avila, Carla Bonifazi(S), A. Boselli, Alberto Etchegoyen*, Norberto Fazzini, Alberto Filevich, C. Medina(S), D. Melo(S), S. Nigro, A. Rovero, D. Supanitsky(S)
- Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Maria Teresa Dova*, Luis
N. Epele, Christian Grunfeld, Monica Manceñido (S), Analisa Mariazzi (S), Nolberto Martinez, Sergio J. Sciutto, Alejandro Veiga.
- Centro Atómico Bariloche - IAFE
Ingomar Allekotte*, M. Gomez Berisso, Luis Masperi, H. Nassini, E. Roulet
- Universidad Tecnologica Nacional: Regional Mendoza and San Rafael
Jorge Abraham, Antonio Ali, Barbara Civit, Beatriz Garcia*, Javier Gitto, Mauricio Melocchi(S), Hugo Oros(S), Andres Risi(S), Marcos Santander(S), Guillemo Sequeiros, Federico Suarez(S), Mariela Videla(S), Primo Vitale.
(Country representative: Roger Clay)
- University of Adelaide
Roger W. Clay*, Bruce R. Dawson, Sarah Clay (S), Jose A. Bellido,
Greg J. Thornton
(Country representative: Carlos Escobar)
University of Campinas (UNICAMP)
Sergio L. C. Barroso, Renato Biral (S), Carola Dobrigkeit Chinellato, Jose Augusto Chinellato, Carlos Escobar, Anderson Fauth, Marcelo Guzzo, Ernesto Kemp (S), Marcelo Augusto Leigui de Oliveira, Nilton Mengotti (S), Helio Nogima, Luis Prado Junior, Hugo Reis, Luis Gustavo dos Santos (S), Edison Shibuya, Armando Turtelli.
- University of Sao Paulo
Philippe Gouffon, Gustavo Medina-Tanco, Renata Zukanovich Funchal.
- CBPF-Lafex [and Univ. Federal Fluminense (UFF), Univ. Federal da Bahia (UFBA), Pont. Univ. Católica - Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio)]
Joao dos Anjos, Ademarlaudo Barbosa, César G. S. Costa (PUC-Rio), Johana C. Diaz(S), Márcia Gonçalves do Amaral (UFF), Germano Guedes(S), Marcelo Lucano(S), Luciano Manhaes(S), Iuri Pepe (UFBA), Ronald Shellard*, Fernando V. Siguas(S).
Czech Republic
(Country representative: Jan Ridky)
- Institute of Physics (FZU) and Institute of Particle and Nuclear Physics (IPNP), Charles University - Prague
Jiri Grygar, Miroslav Hrabovsky, Dalibor Nosek (IPNP), Miroslav Palatka, Jan Ridky, Petr Schovanek
(Country representative: Murat Boratav)
- Laboratoire de Physique Corpusculaire et Cosmologie du Collège
de France (PCC-CdF)
Tristan Beau, Jean-Michel Brunet*, Jean-Noël Capdevielle, Stéphane Colonges, Fabrice Cohen (S),
Bernard Courty, Laurent Guglielmi, Jean-Jacques Jaeger, Cyril Lachaud, Gilles Maurin (S),
Benoît Revenu (IAP), Gérard Tristram, Jack Waisbard
- Laboratoire de Physique Nucléaire et de Hautes Energies,
Université Paris 6 (LPNHE)
Pierre Billoir, Murat Boratav*, Pierre Da Silva (S), Sylvie
Dagoret-Campagne, Olivier Deligny (S), Jean-Christophe Hamilton, Antoine Letessier-Selvon, Richard Randriatoamanana, Cécile Roucelle (S).
- Institut de Physique Nucléaire - Orsay (IPNO)
Yves Adès, Denis Allard (S), Julien Aublin(S), Alexandre Creusot (S), Damien Dornic(S), Bernard Genolini, Françoise Lefebvre, Isabelle Lhenry-Yvon, Thi Nguyen Trung, Etienne Parizot, Joël Pouthas, Tiina Suomijärvi*
- Laboratoire de l'Accélérateur Linéaire - Orsay (LAL)
Jean-Noël Albert, Rene Bilhaut, Alain Cordier*, Estelle Cormier (S), Paul Eschstruth, Oleg Lodygensky, Delphine Monnier Ragaigne, Nathalie Playez(S), Stephane Ranchon(S), Jacques Rypko, Marcel Urban, Cecilia Uribe Estrada (post-doc).
(Country representative: Hartmut Gemmeke)
- Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe - Institut für Kernphysik (FZK-IK), and Max Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie and Universität Bonn (1)
Meli Athina (1), Till Bergmann(S), Peter Biermann (1), Hans Blümer, Erhard Bollmann,
Ralph Engel, Rainer Gumbsheimer, Dieter Heck, Heiko Kern,
Hans Klages*, Jonny Kleinfeller, Olivier Martineau,
Hermann-Josef Mathes,
Peter Matussek, Frank Nerling(S), Jürgen Oehlschläger, Tanguy Pierog,
Markus Risse, Gerd Schleif,
Thomas Thouw, Michael Unger, Tilo Waldenmaier(S), Günter Woerner
- Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe - Institut für
Prozessdatenverarbeitung und Elektronik (FZK-IPE)
Alexander Bacher, Rudolf Berg, Hartmut Gemmeke*, Matthias Kleifges, Andreas Kopmann, Norbert Kunka,
Alexandre Menshikov, Denis Tcherniakhovski, Jianfeng Xu(S)
- Universität Karlsruhe (TH) - Institut für Experimentelle Kernphysik (IEKP)
Norbert Barenthien, Kai Daumiller, Bianca Keilhauer,
Serguei Ostapchenko, Markus Roth*, Gerhard Spohrer
- Universität Wuppertal, Fachbereich Physik
Karl-Heinz Becker, Michael Funcke, Heiko Geenen(S), Steffen Hartmann, Karl-Heinz Kampert*, Lorenzo Perrone,
Jahangir Pouryamont,
Wolfgang Rhode, Markus Richter, Viviana Scherini(S), Zbigniew Szadkowski, Christopher Wiebusch