UHE Neutrino Astronomy
- L. Anchordoqui, T. Han, D. Hooper, S. Sarkar. Exotic neutrino interactions at the Pierre Auger Observatory. (Astropart. Phys. 25 (2006) 14).
- J.C. D'Olivo, L. Nellen, S. Sahu, V. Van Elewyck. UHE neutrino damping in a thermal gas of relic neutrinos. (Astropart. Phys. 25 (2006) 47).
- Markus Ahlers,
Andreas Ringwald, Huitzu
Tu. Cosmic rays at ultra high energies (Neutrinos!). (astro-ph/0506698 - DESY 05-100).
- C. Aramo et al. Earth-skimming UHE tau neutrinos at the fluorescence detector of
Pierre Auger Observatory. (Astropart. Phys. 23 (2005) 65).
- M. Ave et al. Cosmogenic neutrinos from ultra-high energy nuclei. (Astropart. Phys. 23 (2005) 19).
- K.R.S. Balaji, Jukka Maalampi. Scale dependence of the UHECR neutrino flux in extra-dimension models. (hep-ph/0502192).
- Veniamin Berezinsky. Ultra High Energy Neutrino Astronomy. (astro-ph/0505220.)
- V.Berezinsky. SuperGZK neutrinos. (astro-ph/0509675, Proc. of 11th Int. Workshop NEUTRINO TELESCOPES).
- D.Fargion. Neutrino Astronomy beyond and beneath the Horizons. (astro-ph/0505459).
- D.Fargion et al. Rates of Horizontal Tau Air-Showers observable by satellites. (astro-ph/0501033).
- J.I. Illana, M. Masip, D. Meloni. TeV gravity at neutrino telescopes. (hep-ph/0504234).
- David Seckel,
Todor Stanev. Neutrinos: the Key to UHE Cosmic Rays. (astro-ph/0502244).
- Eli Waxman. Extra galactic sources of high energy neutrinos. (astro-ph/0502159, Nobel
Symposium 129: Neutrino Physics, Sweden 2004).
- E. Zas. Neutrino Detection with Inclined Air Showers. (astro-ph/0504610).
- C. Aramo et al. Earth-skimming UHE Tau Neutrinos at the Fluorescence Detector of Pierre
Auger Observatory. (astro-ph/0407638).
- John F. Beacom, Patrick Crotty, Edward W. Kolb. Enhanced signal of astrophysical tau neutrinos propagating through Earth. (astro-ph/0111482, Phys.Rev. D66 (2002) 021302).
- V.P. Egorova et al. The spectrum features of UHECRs below and surrounding GZK (Yakutsk data). (astro-ph/0408493).
- D.Fargion et al. Muon and Gamma Bundles tracing Up-going Tau Neutrino Astronomy. (astro-ph/0409460, to be
published in Nuclear Phys B.)
- Z. Fodor et al. Strong Neutrino-Nucleon Interactions at Ultrahigh Energies as a Solution to
the GZK Puzzle. (hep-ph/0402102, invited talk
given at the 10th Marcel Grossmann Meeting, 20-26 July 2003, Rio de Janeiro,
- Dan Hooper. High-Energy Neutrino Astronomy: Opportunities For Particle Physics. (hep-ph/0401153, 2004 Cracow Epiphany Conference
on Astroparticle Physics).
- H. Athar. Mixed high energy neutrinos from cosmos. (hep-ph/0308188).
- S. Bottai, S. Giurgola. UHE and EHE neutrino induced taus inside the Earth. (Astropart. Phys. 18 (2003) 539).
- D.Fargion. Neutrino induced showering from the Earth. (astro-ph/0312627, AHEP conference, Valencia, Spain 2003.)
- D. Fargion. Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays, Z-Shower and Neutrino Astronomy by
Horizontal-Upward Tau Air-Showers. (hep-ph/0306238, X International Workshop
on Neutrino Telescopes, Venice, Italy, March 11-14, 2003).
- D. Fargion, P.G. De Sanctis Lucentini, M. De Santis. Updated Event Rate for Horizontal and Upward Tau Air Showers in EUSO. (hep-ph/0305128).
- D. Fargion et al. Ultra High Energy Particle Astronomy, Neutrino Masses and Tau Airshowers. (astro-ph/0303233).
- R. Fiore et al. Ultra-high energy neutrino-nucleon interactions. (hep-ph/0302251).
- Z. Fodor et al. Strongly interacting neutrinos as the highest energy cosmic ray. (hep-ph/0310112, talk given at Beyond the Desert '03, Castle
Ringberg, 9-14 June, 2003.)
- Z. Fodor et al. Electroweak instantons as a solution to the ultrahigh energy cosmic ray puzzle. (hep-ph/0303080).
- K. Giesel, J.-H. Jureit, E. Reya. Cosmic UHE Neutrino Signatures. (astro-ph/0303252, Astropart. Phys. 20 (2003) 335).
- D.S. Gorbunov, P.G. Tinyakov, S.V. Troitsky. Constraints on ultra-high energy neutrinos from optically thick
astrophysical accelerators. (Astropart. Phys. 18 (2003) 463).
- Nayantara Gupta. A study on the appearance of tau neutrinos from a gamma ray burst by
detecting their horizontal electromagnetic showers. (astro-ph/0306007).
- F. Halzen. High-energy Neutrino Astronomy: Science and First Results. (astro-ph/0301143, Talk presented at the 9th Course of
Astrofundamental Physics, International School of Astrophysics D. Chalonge,
Palermo, Sicily, Sept. 2002).
- J. Jones et al. Tracing very high energy neutrinos from cosmological distances in ice. (hep-ph/0308042).
- G. Miele, L. Perrone, O. Pisanti. Ultra High Energy nu_tau detection at Pierre Auger Observatory. (astro-ph/0412321).
- M. Sasaki, Y. Asaoka, M. Jobashi. Detecting very high energy neutrinos by the telescope array. (Astropart. Phys. 19 (2003) 37).
- Dmitry Semikoz, Guenter Sigl. Ultra-High Energy Neutrino Fluxes: New Constraints and Implications. (hep-ph/0309328.)
- Christian Spiering. High Energy Neutrino Astronomy: The Experimental Road. (astro-ph/0303068, Talk given at the 18th European Cosmic Ray
Conference, Moscow 2002).
- Anna Stasto. Physics of ultrahigh energy neutrinos. (astro-ph/0310636).
- J. -J. Tseng et al. The energy spectrum of tau leptons induced by the high energy Earth-skimming
neutrinos. (astro-ph/0305507).
- Thomas J. Weiler. Physics with Cosmic Neutrinos, PeV to ZeV. (astro-ph/0304180, Proc. YITP "Neutrinos" Oct. 2002).
- Luis Anchordoqui et al. Neutrino Bounds on Astrophysical Sources and New Physics.
- H. Athar. High Energy Astrophysical Tau Neutrinos: The Expectations. (hep-ph/0210244, 12th International Symposium on
Very High Energy Cosmic Ray Interactions (XII ISVHERCI), 15-20 July, 2002,
Geneva, Switzerland [to appear in Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.)].)
- C. Barbot et al. Neutrinos Associated With Cosmic Rays of Top-Down Origin.
- Saul Barshay, Georg Kreyerhoff. Very high-energy neutrinos from slowly decaying, massive dark matter, as a source of explosive energy for gamma-ray bursts.
- X. Bertou et al. Tau neutrinos in the Auger Observatory: a new window to UHECR sources. Astropart. Phys. 17 (2002) 183.
- S. Bottai, S. Giurgola. UHE and EHE neutrino induced taus inside the Earth.
(astro-ph/0205325, Astroparticle Physics).
- D.Fargion. Upward and Horizontal Tau Air-showers from Earth Crust Coronas: Traces of Highest Energy Neutrinos Beam Dump in Widest Volumes.
- Daniele Fargion. Ultra high-energy neutrino at GZK energy: Z-WW showering in dark halo and
tau airshowers emerging from the Earth. (hep-ph/0208093, SPIE Conference 4858,Particle
Astrophysics Instrumentation (Gorham Ed.)).
- D.Fargion. High Energy Neutrino and Tau Airshowers in Standard and New Physics. (hep-ph/0211153, Conference Beyond the Standard Model,
Oulu,2-7 June 2002.)
- D.Fargion. Highest Energy Neutrino Showers in EUSO.
- Z. Fodor, S.D. Katz, A. Ringwald. Relic neutrino masses and the highest energy cosmic rays. (hep-ph/0203198.)
- D.S. Gorbunov, P.G. Tinyakov, and S.V. Troitsky. Constraints on ultra-high energy neutrinos from optically thick astrophysical accelerators. (astro-ph/0206385).
- Francis Halzen, Dan Hooper. High-energy Neutrino Astronomy: The Cosmic Ray Connection.
(astro-ph/0204527), submitted to Reports on Progress in Physics.
- F. Halzen. High-Energy Neutrinos from Cosmic Rays.
(astro-ph/0206268, Proc.
of the ESO-CERN-ESA Symposium on Astronomy, Cosmology and Fundamental
Physics, Garching, Germany, March 4--7, 2002).
- Christian Hettlage. Neutrino Flux Bounds and Prospects for High Energy and Ultrahigh Energy Neutrino Source Detection.
(astro-ph/0202074, Workshop on Methodical Aspects of Underwater/Underice Neutrino Telescopes, Hamburg, August 15-16, 2001).
- Oleg E. Kalashev et al. Ultra-High Energy Neutrino Fluxes and Their Constraints.
- I. Kravchenko, et al. Limits on the Ultra-High Energy Electron Neutrino Flux from the RICE Experiment.
(astro-ph/0206371, submitted to Astroparticle Physics).
- Antoine Letessier-Selvon. A Large Air Shower Array and Neutrino Telescope. (astro-ph/0208526, Talk given at the neutrino 2002
conference. To be published in Nuclear Physics B (Proceedings Supplement)).
- N.G. Lehtinen et al. Sensitivity of an underwater acoustic array to ultra-high energy neutrinos,
Astropart. Phys. 17 (2002) 279.
- Makoto Sasaki, Masashi Jobashi. Detecting Very High Energy Neutrinos by the Telescope Array.
- J. Alvarez-Muniz, F. Halzen. 10^20 eV Cosmic Ray and Particle Physics with IceCube. (astro-ph/0102106).
- Luis Anchordoqui and Haim Goldberg. Experimental Signature for Black Hole Production in Neutrino Air Showers.
- H. Athar et al. High-energy cosmic-ray tau neutrino flux from the Milky Way.
- F. Becattini, S. Bottai. Extreme energy nu_tau propagation through the Earth.
(Astroparticle Physics, 15 (2001) 323).
- V. S. Berezinsky, A. Z. Gazizov, S. I. Yanush. On hard pomeron enhancement of ultrahigh-energy neutrino-nucleon cross-sections.
- X. Bertou et al. Tau Neutrinos in the Auger Observatory : A New Window to UHECR Sources.
(astro-ph/0104452, accepted for publication in Astropart. Phys.).
- F. Cornet, J.I. Illana, M. Masip. TeV Strings and the Neutrino-Nucleon Cross Section at Ultra-high Energies.
- Ralph Engel, Todor Stanev. Neutrinos from propagation of ultra-high energy protons.
- Daniele Fargion. Tau Air-Showers Signature of Ultra High Energy Neutrinos.
(astro-ph/0101565, Vulcano DARK 2000 conference).
- Daniele Fargion. Horizontal and Upward Tau Airshowers in Valleys from Mountains and Space: Discovering UHE Neutrinos and New Physics.
(astro-ph/0106239, 27th ICRC 2001,Hamburg ,Germany).
- Daniele Fargion. Arrays is Space to detect Upward Tau and Highest Altitude Showers.
(astro-ph/0107094, 27th ICRC 2001, Hamburg, Germany).
- D. Fargion, M.Grossi, P.G. De Sanctis Lucentini. Ultra High Energy Neutrino-Relic Neutrino Interactions In Dark Halos to Solve Infrared-Tev And GZK Cut-Off. (astro-ph/0107203.)
- Daniele Fargion. Upward and Horizontal Tau Airshowers by UHE Neutrinos.
(hep-ph/0111289, Proceedings of the EPS International Conference on High Energy Physics, Budapest, 2001).
- Daniele Fargion et al. Ultra High Energy Cosmic Ray and UHE Neutrino-Z Showering in Dark Halos.
(hep-ph/0112014, Vulcano Conference Multichannel Astrophysics,May 2001).
- Jonathan L. Feng et al. Observability of Earth-skimming Ultra-high Energy Neutrinos.
- Jonathan L. Feng, Alfred D. Shapere. Black Hole Production by Cosmic Rays.
- Z. Fodor, S.D. Katz, A. Ringwald. Determination of absolute neutrino masses from Z-bursts.
- Z. Fodor, S.D. Katz, A. Ringwald. Possible detection of relic neutrinos and determination of their mass: quantitative analysis.
(hep-ph/0105336, 27th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Hamburg, Germany, August 7-15, 2001).
- D. Guetta, M. Spada, E. Waxman. On the Neutrino Flux from Gamma-Ray Bursts.
(astro-ph/0102487, submitted to ApJ).
- D. Guetta. On the neutrino flux from Gamma Ray Bursts: an overview.
(astro-ph/0104045, Proc. of the XXIst Rencontres de Moriond "Very High Energy Phenomena in the Universe", Les Arcs, France, Jan. 20-27 (2001)).
- Christian Hettlage, Karl Mannheim. High Energy Neutrino Fluxes from Cosmic Accelerators.
(astro-ph/0103499, Proceedings of the XXIst Moriond Workshop 'Very High Energy Phenomena in the Universe', Les Arcs, France, January 20-27 2001).
- R. Horvat. Nonstandard neutrino properties and the high-energy cosmic neutrino flux.
- Alexander Kusenko, Thomas Weiler. Neutrino cross sections at high energies and the future observations of ultrahigh-energy cosmic rays.
- Marieke Postma. Neutrinos as a signature of ultrahigh energy photons at high red shift.
- A. Ringwald. Possible detection of relic neutrinos and their mass.
(hep-ph/0111112, Proceedings of the 27th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC 2001), Hamburg, Germany, August 2001).
- A. Ringwald. Collider versus Cosmic Ray Sensitivity to Black Hole Production.
(hep-ph/0111042). [Test of extra-dimensions with neutrino detection possibilities of Auger.]
- D. Seckel. In ice radio detection of GZK neutrinos.
- J. Alvarez-Muniz, F. Halzen, and D. W. Hooper. High Energy Neutrinos from Gamma Ray Bursts: Event Rates in Neutrino Telescopes.
- J. Alvarez-Muniz, F. Halzen. 10^20 eV Cosmic-Ray and Particle Physics with Kilometer-Scale Neutrino Telescopes.
- M. Ave, J. A. Hinton, R. A. Vazquez, A. A. Watson, E. Zas. The rate of cosmic ray showers at large zenith angles: a step towards the detection of ultra-high energy neutrinos by the Pierre Auger Observatory.
- F. Becattini, S. Bottai. Extreme Energy nu_tau Propagation Through the Earth.
(astro-ph/0003179, to be published in Astroparticle Physics).
- D. B. Cline, F. W. Stecker. Exploring the Ultrahigh Energy Neutrino Universe.
(astro-ph/0003459, UCLA Workshop on High Energy Neutrino Astrophysics).
- H. Davoudiasl, J.L. Hewett, T.G. Rizzo. Gravi-Burst: Super-GZK Cosmic Rays from Localized Gravity.
- Daniele Fargion. Discovering Ultra High Energy Neutrinos by Horizontal and Upward tau Air-Showers: First evidences in Terrestrial Gamma Flashes.
- Raj Gandhi. Ultra-High Energy Neutrinos: A Review of Theoretical and Phenomenological Issues.
(hep-ph/0011176, Invited Talk at Neutrino 2000, XIX International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics, Sudbury, Canada, June 16-21, 2000).
- Peter. W. Gorham. On the possibility of radar echo detection of ultra-high energy cosmic ray- and neutrino-induced extensive air showers.
- F.Halzen. High Energy Neutrino Astronomy. Phys. Rep. 333-334 (2000) 349.
- Ambar Jain et al. Neutrino-Induced Giant Air Showers in Large Extra Dimension Models.
- P. Jain, Douglas W. McKay, S. Panda, John P. Ralston. Extra dimensions and Strong Neutrino-Nucleon interactions above $10^{19}$ eV : Breaking the GZK Barrier. (hep-ph/0001031.)
- M. Kachelriess, M. Plumacher. Ultrahigh energy neutrino interactions and weak-scale string theories.
- Alexander Kusenko, Marieke Postma. Neutrinos produced by ultrahigh-energy photons at high red shift. (hep-ph/0007246.)
- Alexander Kusenko. Signature neutrinos from ultrahigh-energy photons.
(astro-ph/0008369, talk presented at ICHEP-2000, Osaka, Japan, July 27 - August 2, 2000).
- J. Kwiecinski, A. D. Martin, A. M. Stasto. Ultrahigh energy neutrino physics.
- Antoine Letessier-Selvon. Neutrinos and the Highest Energy Cosmic Rays.
(astro-ph/0009416, Talk Given at the Neutrino 2000 COnference, Sudbury, Toronto, June 12-17 2000).
- Antoine Letessier-Selvon. Establishing The GZK Cutoff With Ultra High Energy Tau Neutrinos.
- David Saltzberg. Radio-Frequency Measurements of Coherent Transition and Cherenkov Radiation: Implications for High-Energy Neutrino Detection.
- Guenter Sigl. Cosmic rays and neutrino interactions beyond the standard model.
- Craig Tyler, Angela V. Olinto, Guenter Sigl. Cosmic Neutrinos and New Physics beyond the Electroweak Scale.
(hep-ph/0002257, Phys.Rev.D 63 (2001) 055001).
- John Bahcall and Eli Waxman. High Energy Astrophysical Neutrinos: the Upper Bound is Robust.
- Steven W. Barwick. High Energy Cosmic Neutrinos.
- J.J. Blanco-Pillado, R.A. V\'azquez, and E.Zas. High Energy Cosmic Rays from Neutrinos.
- D. Fargion, B. Mele. Scattering of Ultrahigh Energy (UHE) Extragalactic Neutrinos onto Light Relic Neutrinos in Galactic HDM Halo Overcoming the GZK Cut off.
- Daniele Fargion, Andrea Aiello, Roberto Conversano. Horizontal Tau air showers from mountains in deep valley. Traces of UHECR neutrino tau.
- Daniele Fargion, Barbara Mele. Ultrahigh energy neutrinos scattering off relic light neutrinos to explain UHECR above GZK cut off and thin blazars.
- D.Fargion, B.Mele, A.Salis. Ultrahigh energy
neutrino scattering onto relic light neutrinos in galactic halo as
a possible source of highest energy extragalactic cosmic
rays. ApJ 517 (1999) 725.
- Graciela Gelmini, Alexander Kusenko. Highest-energy cosmic rays from Fermi-degenerate relic neutrinos consistent with Super-Kamiokande results (hep-ph/9902354).
- Graciela Gelmini, Alexander Kusenko. Unstable superheavy relic particles as a source of neutrinos responsible for the ultrahigh-energy cosmic rays. (hep-ph/9908276.)
- J. Kwiecinski, A. D. Martin, A. M. Stasto. Penetration of the Earth by ultrahigh energy neutrinos and the parton distributions inside the nucleon.
(hep-ph/9905307, Talk given by A.M.Stasto at Recontres de Moriond 99').
- Ray Protheroe. Developments in High Energy Neutrino Astronomy. (astro-ph/9907374. Short invited article to appear in Europhysics News.)
- Eli Waxman, John Bahcall. Neutrino afterglow from Gamma-Ray Bursts: ~10^{18} eV.
- Eli Waxman. High Energy Neutrinos from Gamma-Ray Bursts.
(hep-ph/0009152, Neutrino 2000, Invited lecture. Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl. 91 (2000) 494).
- Thomas J. Weiler. Relic Neutrinos, Z-Bursts, and Cosmic Rays above 10^{20} eV. (hep-ph/9910316.)
- Thomas J. Weiler. Cosmic-ray neutrino annihilation on relic neutrinos revisited: a mechanism for generating air showers above the Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin cutoff. Astropart. Phys. 11 (1999) 303.
- M. Altmann, W. Hillebrandt, H.-T. Janka, G. Raffelt (Editors).Proceedings "Neutrino Astrophysics" (astro-ph/9801320).
- J. Alvarez-Muñiz, E. Zas. The LPM effect for EeV hadronic showers in ice: implications for radio detection of neutrinos.
(astro-ph/9806098, submitted to Physics Letters B).
- J.Bordes et al. Possible Test for the Suggestion that Air Showers with
E > 1020 eV are due to Strongly Interacting Neutrinos.(astro-ph/9707031.)
Astropart. Phys. 8 (1998) 135.
- K. S. Capelle, J. W. Cronin, G. Parente, E. Zas. On the detection of
Ultra High Energy Neutrinos with the Auger Observatory. (astro-ph/9801313)
Astropart. Phys. 8 (1998) 321.
- Raj Gandhi, Chris Quigg, Mary Hall Reno, Ina Sarcevic. Neutrino Interactions at Ultrahigh Energies.
(hep-ph/9807264, Phys. Rev. D58 (1998) 095003). [Cross sections for deeply inelastic neutrino-nucleon scattering at neutrino energies between $10^{9}\ev$ and $10^{21}\ev$. Event rates in large-volume water Cerenkov detectors and large-area ground arrays are estimated.]
- M. Glück, S. Kretzer, E. Reya. Dynamical QCD Predictions for Ultrahigh Energy Neutrino Cross Sections.
- F. Halzen. Large Natural Cherenkov Detectors: Water and Ice (hep-ex/9801009).
[A discussion on the challenges for building the next-generation
muon and neutrino detectors.]
- Raul Horvat. Resonant conversions of extremely high energy neutrinos in dark matter halo.
- K. Mannheim, R. J. Protheroe, J. P. Rachen. On the cosmic ray bound for models of extragalactic neutrino production.
- Palash B. Pal. Neutrino astrophysics and cosmology: recent
developments. (astro-ph/9803312.)
- R.J.Protheroe. High energy neutrino astrophysics.
(astro-ph/9809144). [Invited talk at Neutrino 98, Takayama 4-9 June
- Jorg P. Rachen, P. Meszaros. Photohadronic Neutrinos from Transients in
Astrophysical Sources. (astro-ph/9802280.)
- Mou Roy, H.J.Crawford. Sources of UHE Neutrinos.
- Anna Stasto. Penetration of the Earth by ultrahigh energy neutrinos predicted by low x QCD.
- Mario Vietri. Ultra high energy neutrinos from gamma ray bursts. (astro-ph/9802241, Phys. Rev. Lett. 80 (1998) 3690).
- Mario Vietri. On the energy of neutrinos from gamma ray bursts.
(astro-ph/9806110, to appear in The Astrophysical Journal).
- Eli Waxman . Can high energy neutrino annihilation on relic neutrinos generate the observed highest energy cosmic-rays? (astro-ph/9804023.)
- Eli Waxman, John Bahcall. High Energy Neutrinos from Astrophysical Sources: An Upper Bound.
- U. F. Wichoski, Jane H. MacGibbon, Robert H. Brandenberger. High Energy Neutrinos, Photons and Cosmic Rays from Non-Scaling Cosmic Strings.
- Shigeru Yoshida, Guenter Sigl, Sangjin Lee. Extremely High Energy Neutrinos, Neutrino Hot Dark Matter, and the Highest Energy Cosmic Rays.
- K. Zuber. On the physics of massive neutrinos.
- L.Bergstrom. High-Energy Gamma and Neutrino Astronomy. Invited
talk at the 18th Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics, to appear in the
Proceedings. (astro-ph/9702052.)
- P.Billoir. Estimation of the acceptance of the Auger ground detector to
quasi-horizontal showers induced deeply in the atmosphere.
(PS file. July 1997, GAP-97-049.)
- J.W.Bolesta et al. A Search for Very High Energy Neutrinos from Active
Galactic Nuclei. astro-ph/9705198, contribution to 26th ICRC Durban, South
Africa. 27 May 1997. (astro-ph/9705198.)
- J.Bordes et al. Post-GZK Air Showers, FCNC, Strongly Interacting
Neutrinos and Duality (hep-ph/9711438, 27
November 1997).
[A review is given on the recently proposed idea that air showers with energy
1020 eV beyond the Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuz'min cut-off may be due
to neutrinos having acquired a strong interaction at these energies.]
- D.Fargion. The role of tau neutrino ultrahigh energy astrophysics in
km3 detectors. (astro-ph/9704205.)
- D. Fargion, B. Mele, A. Salis. Ultrahigh energy neutrino scattering onto relic light neutrinos in galactic halo as a possible source of highest energy extragalactic cosmic rays.
(astro-ph/9710029, 3 October 1997).
- F.Halzen. Status of Neutrino Astronomy: The Quest for Kilometer-Scale
Instruments. (astro-ph/9701029). [An attempt to summarize the status of neutrino
astronomy: its scientific motivations, our understanding of natural water and
ice as particle detectors and, finally, the detector technology.]
- F.Halzen, E.Zas. Neutrino Fluxes from Active Galaxies: a
Model-Independent Analysis. (astro-ph/9702193, ApJ 488 (1997) 669). [The possibility that active galaxies are
the enigmatic source of the highest energy cosmic rays is explored. Neutrinos
from the decay of charged pions represent an uncontrovertible signature for the
proton induced cascades. The article proposes a model-independent estimate of
their flux.]
- Guenter Sigl. Ultra-High Energy Neutrino-Nucleon Cross Section and
Radiative Corrections.
26 August 1997).
- S.Yoshida, H.Dai, C.C.H.Jui, P.Sommers. Extremely High Energy Neutrinos
and their Detection. ApJ, 479 (1997) 547. [EHE
neutrinos from annihilation of topological defects. Event rates with a
fluorescence detector.]
- Enrique Zas. The Highest Energy Neutrinos. Talk given in "Very High Energy
Phenomena in the Universe", XXXIInd Rencontres de Moriond, 1997.
- J.J.Blanco-Pillado, R.A.Vazquez, E. Zas. Limits on Topological Defect
Neutrino fluxes from Horizontal Air Shower measurements. (astro-ph/9612010). [Horizontal air shower rate from the (EeV) high energy neutrino flux predicted in some topological defect scenarios as the
source for the highest energy cosmic rays. The future of such measurements to
further constrain these models is discussed.]
- M.Boratav. Extremely high energy cosmic rays and the Auger
Observatory. Proc of the 7th Internat. Workshop on Neutrino Telescopes,
p519. Venice, February 27-March 1, 1996. (PS file.)
- R.Gandhi, C.Quigg, M.H.Reno, I.Sarcevic. Ultrahigh energy neutrino
interactions. Astropart. Phys. 5 (1996) 81.
- C.Grupen. Neutrino Astronomy : A new window to the Universe. Proc.
Summer School on Cosmology. July 1996. Lodz Poland. (astro-ph/9610057).
- G.Parente, E.Zas. Neutrino induced events in the Pierre Auger
detector. (PS file. Proceedings of the 7th Int.
Workshop on Neutrino Telescopes - Venice March 1996.)
- G.Sigl, S.Lee, D.N.Schramm, P.Coppi. Cosmological Neutrino Signatures
for Grand Unification Scale Physics. (astro-ph/9610221). Phys. Lett. B 392 (1997) 129. [Neutrino fluxes predicted by scenarios of cosmological production of particles with grand unification scale energies, with special emphasis on the range beyond 1 EeV.]
- Thomas K. Gaisser, Francis Halzen, Todor Stanev. Particle astrophysics with high energy neutrinos. Physics Reports 258 (1995) 173-236. [Includes sections on the detection of horizontal airshowers.]
- R.Gandhi, C.Quigg, M.H.Reno, I.Sarcevic. Ultrahigh energy neutrino
interactions. (hep-ph/9512364 and Astropart. Phys. 5 (1996) 81) [Very detailed review of
the cross sections and fluxes for UHE astrophysical neutrinos. Consequences for
the current neutrino telescope projects.]
- S.Yoshida et al. EHE neutrinos from topological defects. 24th ICRC,
Rome (1995). (PS file) [Detection of neutrinos from
cosmic strings by the Fly's Eye.]
- D.A.Morris, A.Ringwald. Cosmic Ray signatures of multi-W processes.
Astrop. Phys. 2 (1994) 43. [Showers induced by neutrinos.]