Review and Large-Audience Articles - Proceedings
- Veniamin Berezinsky. Ultra High Energy Neutrino Astronomy. (astro-ph/0505220.)
- Thomas K. Gaisser. Outstanding Problems in Particle Astrophysics. (astro-ph/0501195, 14th International School of Cosmic Ray Astrophysics:
"Neutrinos and Explosive Events in the Universe", July, 2004.)
- F. Halzen. Lectures on High-Energy Neutrino Astronomy. (astro-ph/0506248. Lectures presented at the International
WE Heraeus Summer School on Physics with Cosmic Accelerators.)
- Karl-Heinz Kampert (Pierre Auger Collaboration). The Pierre Auger Observatory -Status and Prospects -. (astro-ph/0501074, XIII ISVHECRI, Pylos
(Greece), Sept. 2004 8 pages, 10 figures, to appear in Nucl. Phys. B (Proc.
- E. Parizot. Cosmic-rays: an unsolved mystery at all energies!. (astro-ph/0501274, 5th Rencontres du Vietnam, "New Views on the Universe", Hanoi,
August 5-11, 2004.)
- Luis A. Anchordoqui, for the AUGER Collaboration. The Pierre Auger Observatory: Science Prospects and Performance at First
Light. (astro-ph/0409470, Proceedings of PASCOS '04.)
- Luis A. Anchordoqui, Charles D. Dermer, Andreas Ringwald. Frontiers in Cosmic Rays. (hep-ph/0403001, Proceedings of the Tenth
Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity, edited by M. Novello, S.
Perez-Bergliaffa and R. Ruffini, World Scientific, Singapore, 2005).
- M. Boratav, G. Sigl (edts). Ultimate energy particles in the Universe. Comptes rendus Académie des Sciences - Physique Vol 5/4 (2004) pp 417-518 (Elsevier).
- James W. Cronin. The highest-energy cosmic rays. (astro-ph/0402487, Proceedings of the 2003 TAUP Conference).
- M. Kachelriess. Status of particle physics solutions to the UHECR puzzle. (hep-ph/0406174.)
- A. V. Olinto . Highest Energy Cosmic Rays. (astro-ph/0410685, Gamma 2004 Symposium on
High-Energy Gamma-Ray Astronomy, Heidelberg, July, 2004 (AIP Proceedings
- Guenter Sigl. Some Current Theoretical Issues around Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays. (astro-ph/0404074, 2004
Cracow Epiphany Conference on Astroparticle Physics, to appear in the
proccedings in Acta Physica Polonica B).
- Guenter Sigl. Lectures on Astroparticle Physics. (hep-ph/0408165, lectures given at the
XIth Brazilian School of Cosmology and Gravitation, Rio de Janeiro, July 26
- August 4, 2004, prepared for AIP conference proceedings.)
- Todor Stanev. Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays. (astro-ph/0411113, 2004
SLAC Summer Institute).
- F.W. Stecker. Ultrahigh Energy Cosmic Rays: New Physics or Old Physics?. (astro-ph/0407311, Invited paper for CRIS 2004 Intl. Seminar on Cosmic Rays: "GZK and
Surroundings", to be published in Nucl. Phys. B.)
- John D. Swain. Anisotropies in Ultrahigh Energy Cosmic Rays. (astro-ph/0401632, Invited talk at the 10th Marcel Grossmann Meeting in Rio de
Janeiro, 20-26 July 2003).
- Diego F. Torres, Luis A. Anchordoqui. Astrophysical Origins of Ultrahigh Energy Cosmic Rays. (astro-ph/0402371, review article prepared for
Reports on Progress in Physics).
- A. A. Watson. The mass composition of cosmic rays above 1017 eV. (astro-ph/0410514, XIII ISVHECRI: Pylos,
Greece in September 2004.)
- A. A. Watson. The mass composition of cosmic rays above 1017 eV. (astro-ph/0408110, CRIS2004
meeting: `GZK and Surroundings': Catania 31 May - 4 June 2004.)
- Luis A. Anchordoqui. Prospects for discovery of physics beyond the Standard Model at the Pierre
Auger Observatory. (hep-ph/0306078, SUGRA 20 Meeting, Boston 2003.)
- Pasquale Blasi. Ultra High Energy Cosmic Ray. (astro-ph/0312563, Invited Review Talk at the workshop "Thinking, Observing and
Mining the Universe", Sorrento (Italy), September 22-27, 2003.)
- D.Fargion. The Rise of High Energy Neutrino Astronomy at Horizon. (astro-ph/0307485.)
- F. Halzen. Multi-Messenger Astronomy: Cosmic Rays, Gamma-Rays, and Neutrinos. (astro-ph/0302489. Talk presented at "Texas in
Tuscany", 21st Symposium oon Relavitistic Astrophysics, Florence, Italy,
Dec. 2002.)
- Paolo Lipari. Cosmic Ray Astrophysics and Hadronic Interactions. (astro-ph/0301196, Summary talk at the 12th Inernational Symposium on Very High Energy Cosmic Ray Interactions.)
- R.J. Protheroe, R.W. Clay. Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays. (astro-ph/0311466, invited review, PASA).
- Esteban Roulet. Astroparticle Theory: Some New Insights into High Energy Cosmic Rays. (astro-ph/0310367, International Lepton-Photon Conference,
Fermilab, August 11-16 2003.)
- Subir Sarkar. New physics from ultrahigh energy cosmic rays. (hep-ph/0312223, invited talk at the XXXIII International Symposium on
Multiparticle Dynamics, Krakow, 2003.)
- F.W. Stecker. Cosmic Physics: The High Energy Frontier. (astro-ph/0309027, to be published in the Journal of Physics G).
- John Swain (for the Pierre Auger Observatory). The Pierre Auger Observatory. (astro-ph/0309515, proceedings of CIPANP 2003.)
- A. A. Watson. Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays: the present position and the need for mass
composition measurements. (astro-ph/0312475, invited talk at `Thinking,
Observing and Mining the Universe', Sorrento Italy: 22 - 27 September 2003.)
- E. Waxman. High energy cosmic-rays: puzzles, models, and giga-ton neutrino telescopes. (astro-ph/0310079, Summary of review talk, PASCOS 03, Mumbai,
- Daniel S. Akerib et al. Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology: Cosmic Laboratories for New Physics. (hep-ph/0201178, Summary of the Snowmass 2001 P4 Working Group.)
- Luis Anchordoqui, Thomas Paul, Stephen Reucroft, John Swain. Ultrahigh Energy Cosmic Rays: The state of the art before the Auger Observatory. (hep-ph/0206072.)
- Peter Biermann, Guenter Sigl. Introduction to Cosmic Rays. (astro-ph/0202425, "Physics and Astrophysics of Ultra-High-Energy Cosmic Rays", Lecture Notes in Physics vol. 576 (eds.: M.Lemoine, G.Sigl).)
- Pasquale Blasi. Ultra-high Energy Cosmic Rays: a probe into New Physics. (astro-ph/0206505, Invited Review Talk at SpacePart 2002, La Biodola, Isola d'Elba, Italy - May 14-19, 2002.)
- John Ellis. High-Energy Astrophysics and Cosmology. (astro-ph/0210580, XIIth International Symposium on Very-High-Energy Cosmic-Ray Interactions,
CERN, July 2002.)
- Graciela Gelmini, Gabriele Varieschi. Cosmic rays above the ankle from Z-bursts with 0.07 eV relic neutrinos. (hep-ph/0201273.)
- T. W. Jones. Acceleration of ULtra High Energy Cosmic Rays: Cosmic Zevatrons?. (astro-ph/0210477, 9th Chalonge School on Astrofundamental Physics, Palermo, Sicily,
September 7-18, 2002. Ed: N. Sanchez, Kluwer Academic Publishers.)
- Marc Kamionkowski. Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology: Cosmic Laboratories for New Physics. (hep-ph/0201178, Summary of the Snowmass 2001 P4 Working Group.)
- K.-H. Kampert. The Chemical Composition of Cosmic Rays. (astro-ph/0212348, Vulcano Workshop 2002 "Frontier Objects in
Astrophysics and Particle Physics", 20.-25. May, Vulcano (Italy).)
- Angela V. Olinto. The Future of Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays. (, Proceedings of TAUP01, to appear in Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.).)
- M. Ostrowski. Mechanisms and sites of ultra high energy cosmic ray origin. Astropart. Phys. 18 (2002) 229
- Guenter Sigl. Probing Physics at Extreme Energies with Cosmic Ultra-High Energy Radiation. (hep-ph/0205051, invited
talk at the WHEPP-7 Conference, Allahabad, India (January, 2002))
- Guenter Sigl. The Enigma of the Highest Energy Particles of Nature. (astro-ph/0210049, to be published in Annals of Physics.)
- F.W. Stecker. Implications of Ultrahigh Energy Air Showers for Physics and Astrophysics. (astro-ph/0207629, Invited talk for the Proceedings of the 7th Paris Cosmology Colloquium on "High Energy Astrophysics for and from Space", ed. H.J. de Vega and N.G. Sanchez.)
- F.W.Stecker. Astrophysics at the highest energy frontiers. (astro-ph/0208507.)
- H. J. de Vega, N. Sanchez. Extreme Energy Cosmic Rays: Bottom-up vs. Top-down scenarii. (astro-ph/0301039, International Workshop on `New Worlds in Astroparticle Physics' in Faro, Portugal.)
- J. Alvarez-Muniz, F. Halzen. 10^20 eV Cosmic Ray and Particle Physics with IceCube. (astro-ph/0102106, talk presented by F. Halzen at the 1st International Workshop on Radio Detection of High Energy Particles (RADHEP-2000), UCLA, November 2000.)
- V.Berezinsky. Puzzles in astrophysics in the past and present. (astro-ph/0107306, Invited talk at 9th Int. Workshop "Neutrino Telescopes", March 6 - 9, 2001.)
- Pasquale Blasi. The highest energy particles in the universe: the mystery and its possible solutions. (astro-ph/0110401, "Physics in Collision", Seoul, Korea, June 28 - 30, 2001.)
- Maria Teresa Dova. Future directions in astroparticle physics and the Auger experiment. (astro-ph/0101379, Invited talk at the XXXth Int. Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics (ISMD 2000), 9-15 October 2000, Tihany, Hungary. To be published by World Scientific.)
- L. O'C Drury et al. Tests of Galactic Cosmic Ray Source Models. (astro-ph/0106046, Report of working group number four at the ISSI workshop on Astrophysics of Galactic Cosmic Rays.)
- F. Halzen. High Energy Neutrino Astronomy: Towards Kilometer-Scale Detectors. (astro-ph/0103195.)
- F. Halzen. The Highest Energy Cosmic Rays, Gamma Rays and Neutrinos: Facts, Fancy and Resolution. (astro-ph/0111059.)
- Karl-Heinz Kampert. Cosmic Rays and Particle Physics. (astro-ph/0101331, invited talk presented at the "Symposium on Fundamental Issues in Elementary Matter", Bad
Honnef, Germany, 25-29 September 2000. To appear in Acta Physica Hungarica.)
- P. Meszaros. Theories of Gamma-Ray Bursts. (astro-ph/0111170, Annu.Rev.Astron.Astrophys. 40 (2002).)
- A. V. Olinto. The Origin of the Highest Energy Cosmic Rays. (astro-ph/0102077, Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Relativistic Aspects of Nuclear Physics (RANP2000), Caraguatatuba, Tabatinga, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 17-20 Oct 2000.)
- M. Ostrowski. Mechanisms and sites of ultra high energy cosmic ray origin. (astro-ph/0101053, Proceedings of the European Cosmic Ray Symposium, Lodz, 2000.)
- R. Plaga. On the Origin of Cosmic Rays. (astro-ph/0111555.)
- H. Rebel. What Do We Expect to Learn from Very High Energy Cosmic Ray
Observations? (astro-ph/0109520,
Presented at the XVII Mazurian Lakes School of Physics "Growth Points of
Nuclear Physics A.D. 2001", September 2--9, 2001 Krzyze, Poland. To be
published in Acta Physica Polon. B.)
- Jonathan L. Rosner, Denis A. Suprun. Extensive Air Shower Radio Detection: Recent Results and Outlook. (astro-ph/0101089, RADHEP-2000 Conference, UCLA, Nov. 16-18, 2000.)
- Remo J. Ruffini. Analogies, new paradigms and observational data as growing factors of Relativistic Astrophysics. (astro-ph/0106075, "Fluctuating Paths and Fields - Dedicated to Hagen Kleinert on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday", Eds. W. Janke, A. Pelster, H.-J. Schmidt, and M. Bachmann, World Scientific, Singapore, 2001, p. 771.)
- G.Sigl. Ultrahigh Energy Cosmic Rays: Physics and Astrophysics at Extreme Energies. (astro-ph/0104291. Science 291 (2001) 73.)
- Guenter Sigl. Ultrahigh Energy Neutrinos and Cosmic Rays as Probes of New Physics. (hep-ph/0109202.)
- F.W. Stecker. The Curious Adventure of the Ultrahigh Energy Cosmic Rays. (astro-ph/0101072, Lectures given at the D. Chalonge Euroschool, Erice, Italy, November 2000.)
- A. A. Watson. Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays: present status and future prospects. (astro-ph/0112474, "Frontiers of the Universe", 17th - 23rd June 2001, XIII Rencontres de Blois.)
- Tom Weiler. Extreme-Energy Cosmic Rays: Puzzles, Models, and Maybe Neutrinos. (hep-ph/0103023, talks given at NU2000 (Canada); Metepec, Mexico; RADHEP2000 (UCLA).)
- Enrique Zas. Astroparticle Physics: The High Energy Tail of the Cosmic Ray Spectrum. (astro-ph/0103370, EuroConference on Frontiers in Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology, San Feliu de Guixols, October 2000.)
- Xavier Bertou, Murat Boratav, Antoine Letessier-Selvon. Physics of Extremely High Energy Cosmic Rays. (astro-ph/0001516, Int. Journ. of Modern Physics A15 (2000) 2181.)
- Pijushpani Bhattacharjee, Guenter Sigl. Origin and Propagation of Extremely High Energy Cosmic Rays. (astro-ph/9811011). Physics Reports 327 (2000) 109-247.
- R.D.Blanford. Acceleration of the Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays. (astro-ph/9906026, Particle Physics and the Universe, Proceedings of the Nobel Symposium (Enkoping, Sweden, 20-25 August 1998), published in the Topical issue #T\textbf{85} (2000) 191, Physica Scripta. )
- Pasquale Blasi. Opening the ultra high energy cosmic ray window from the top. (astro-ph/0007209.)
- Murat Boratav, Alan A. Watson. Cosmic Rays above $10^{14}$ eV. (astro-ph/0009469, Comptes Rendus Académie des Sciences, série IV tome 1 (March 2000) 207.)
- T. W. Jones. Cosmic Particle Acceleration: Basic Issues. (astro-ph/0012483, invited review from the 7th Taipei workshop on astrophysics: Cosmic Rays in the Universe; ASP Conference series, Vol. XX, 2001.)
- M. Kachelriess. Ultrahigh energy cosmic rays and new particle physics. (astro-ph/0011231, invited talk at ``CAPP-2K'', Verbier, July 2000.) [A review of top-down models.]
- A. Letessier-Selvon. Theoretical and Experimental Topics on Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays. (astro-ph/0006111,Lecture given at the XXVIII International Meeting on Fundamental Physics, Sanlucar de Barameda, Cadiz Spain, 14-18 February 2000.)
- M.Nagano, A.A.Watson. Observations and implications of the ultrahigh-energy cosmic rays. Reviews of Modern Physics 72 (2000) 689.
- A. V. Olinto. Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays: The theoretical challenge. (astro-ph/0002006.)
- A. V. Olinto. The Mystery of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays. (astro-ph/0003013, Proceedings of the International Summer School on Experimental Physics of Gravitational Waves, Urbino, Italy, September 1999.)
- A. V. Olinto. Ultra high energy cosmic rays: the theoretical challenge. (Physics Reports, Volumes 333-334 (August 2000), pp 329-348.)
- A. V. Olinto. From the Galaxy to the Edge of the Universe: Plausible Sources of UHECRs. (astro-ph/0011106, International Workshop on Observing Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays From Space and Earth, Metepec, Puebla, Mexico (2000).)
- Rene A. Ong. High Energy Particles from the Universe. (hep-ex/0003014.)
- Guenter Sigl. Particle and Astrophysics Aspects of Ultrahigh Energy Cosmic Rays. (astro-ph/0008364, Summer School on Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology, Trieste, Italy, June 2000. ICTP Lect.Notes Phys. 556 (2000) 259-300.)
- D.Vignaud, ed. Astroparticle Physics. (C. R. Ac. Sci. Paris, Series IV, Volume 1, Issue 2, Pages 155-273 (March 2000).)
- Alan A. Watson. Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays - an enigma. Particle Physics and the Universe, Proceedings of the Nobel Symposium (Enkoping, Sweden, 20-25 August 1998), published in the Topical issue #T\textbf{85} (2000) 183, Physica Scripta. .
- Enrique Zas. ZeV Air Showers. Where do we Stand?. (astro-ph/0011414, Summary talk given at the International Workshop on Observing UHECR from space and earth, August 9-12, 2000, Metepec, Puebla, Mexico.)
- Enrique Zas. A New Approach to Mass Measurements of UHECR: Horizontal Air Showers. (astro-ph/0011416, International Workshop on Observing UHECR from space and earth, August 9-12, 2000, Metepec, Puebla, Mexico.)
- Alberto J. Castro-Tirado. Cosmic gamma-ray bursts: the most energetic phenomenon in the Universe. (astro-ph/9903187.)
- J.W.Cronin. Cosmic rays: the most energetic particles in the universe. (Rev. Mod. Phys. 71 (1999) S165.)
- John Ellis. Particles and Cosmology: Learning from Cosmic Rays. (astro-ph/9911440, Proceedings of the 26th International Cosmic-Ray Conference, Salt Lake City, August 1999.)
- F. Halzen. New Worlds in Astroparticle Physics: Summary Talk. (astro-ph/9902041. Talk given at the Second Meeting on New Worlds in Astroparticle Physics, University of the Algarve, Faro, Portugal, September 1998.)
- W. C. Haxton. Topics in Neutrino Astrophysics. (nucl-th/9901076. 1998 TASI summer school lectures.)
- Marc Kamionkowski and Arthur Kosowsky. The Cosmic Microwave Background and Particle Physics. (astro-ph/9904108, To appear in Annual Reviews of Nuclear and Particle Science.)
- John Kirk. Particle acceleration and relativistic shocks. (astro-ph/9905069, accepted for publication in Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics as a topical review .)
- Edward W. Kolb. Dynamics of the Inflationary Era. (hep-ph/9910311.)
- Andrew R Liddle. An introduction to cosmological inflation. (astro-ph/9901124.) [To appear, proceedings of ICTP summer school in high-energy physics, 1998.]
- Greg M. Madejski. Black holes in Active Galactic Nuclei: observations. (astro-ph/9903141.)
- Norbert Magnussen. Astroparticle Physics. (hep-ph/9911236.)
- Karl Mannheim. Frontiers in High-Energy Astroparticle Physics. (astro-ph/9902185. Reviews in Modern Astrophysics, Vol. 12 (1999) 101-120.)
- Patrick S. Osmer. Quasars. (astro-ph/9901238.)
- Gregory A. Shields. A Brief History of AGN. (astro-ph/9903401.)
- Michael S. Turner, J. Anthony Tyson. Cosmology at the Millennium. (astro-ph/9901113.) [To be published in the Centennial Volume of Reviews of Modern Physics.]
- M. Altmann, W. Hillebrandt, H.-T. Janka, G. Raffelt
(Editors).Proceedings "Neutrino Astrophysics" (astro-ph/9801320).
- V. Berezinsky. Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays. (hep-ph/9802351,
Invited talk at TAUP-97). [A review of all the current theories and models
attempting to explain the origin of the highest energy cosmic rays.]
- V. Berezinsky. Ultra high energy cosmic rays from cosmological relics (astro-ph/9811268. 10th Int. Symposium on Very High Energy Cosmic Ray Interactions, July 12 - 17, 1998, Gran Sasso.)
- Marcelo Gleiser. Phase Transitions in the Universe. Invited article for ``Contemporary Physics'' (hep-ph/9803291).
- F. Halzen. Lectures on Neutrino Astronomy: Theory and Experiment. (astro-ph/9810368. Lectures presented at the TASI School, July 1998.)
- M.Hillas. Cosmic Rays without end. Nature, Vol.395, 3 September 1998.
- K. Hurley. Cosmic Gamma-Ray Bursts: The Remaining Mysteries. (astro-ph/9812052). [Review paper presented at the 3rd INTEGRAL Workshop, Taormina, Sicily, September 1998; to be published in Astrophysica Letters and Communications.]
- K. Hurley. A Gamma-Ray Burst Bibliography, 1973-1999. (astro-ph/9912059.)
- Ray Protheroe. Acceleration and Interaction of Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays. (astro-ph/9812055.) [Chapter in "Topics in cosmic-ray astrophysics" ed. M. A. DuVernois, Nova Science Publishing: New York, 1999.]
- B.Schwarzschild. Giant Air-Shower Array shows cosmic-ray spectrum violating Greisen cutoff. Physics Today, October 1998, p.19.
- Shigeru Yoshida, Hongyue Dai. The Extremely High Energy Cosmic Rays.
To be published in Journal of Physics G). [Experimental results from Haverah
Park, Yakutsk, AGASA and Fly's Eye are reviewed.]
- Peter L. Biermann, Hyesung Kang, Dongsu Ryu. The supergalactic structure
and the origin of the highest energy cosmic rays. (astro-ph/9709250).
Invited lecture at the meeting September 1996. In "Extremely high energy cosmic
rays", Ed. M. Nagano, Univ. of Tokyo, p. 79, 1997 .
- Peter L. Biermann, Hyesung Kang, Joerg P. Rachen, Dongsu Ryu. Cosmic
Structure of Magnetic Fields. (astro-ph/9709252).
Invited lecture at the Les Arc meeting January 1997, Proc. Moriond Meeting on
High Energy Phenomena, Les Arcs.
- Kari Enqvist. Magnetic Fields in the Early Universe.
- Heino Falcke, Peter L. Biermann. Frontiers of Astrophysics - Workshop Summary.(astro-ph/9711066). [Proceedings of the Workshop "Frontiers in Contemporary Physics", Nashville, May 11-16, 1997, AIP-conference series, Ed. T. Weiler & R. Panvini.]
- K.Gibbs. Cosmic rays at extreme energies. (Review talk given
at the XXXIInd Rencontres de Moriond, "Very High Energy Phenomena in the
Universe", Les Arcs, France (1997). (PS file.)
- Y.Giraud-Heraud, J.Tran Thanh Van (editors). Very High Energy Phenomena in the Universe (Rencontres de Moriond 1997). Editions Frontières.
- Jacques Haïssinski. Questions ouvertes en Physique des Astroparticules. (PS, gzipped PS, cours donné a l'Ecole de Physique des Particules IN2P3-CNRS, IPN Lyon, Villeurbanne, Septembre 1997.)
- F.Halzen. Very High Energy Phenomena in the Universe: Summary Talk of
Moriond 97. (Talk given at The XXXIInd Rencontre de Moriond, "Very High
Energy Phenomena in the Universe", Les Arcs, France (1997).
- Karl Mannheim. AGN Models: High-Energy Emission. (Review talk given
at the XXXIInd Rencontres de Moriond, "Very High Energy Phenomena in the
Universe", Les Arcs, France. (astro-ph/9703184.)
- M.Nagano (ed.). Proc. of the Internat. Symposium on Extremely high
energy cosmic rays: Astrophysics and future Observatories. (Tokyo, Japan,
September 1996). Institute for Cosmic Ray Research, University of Tokyo.
- B.Schwarzschild. Auger project seeks to study highest energy cosmic rays. Physics Today, February 1997, p.19.
- Jacek Szabelski.Cosmic Rays: Studying the Origin.
(astro-ph/9710191). [A very detailed (60 pages) investigation of the origin of cosmic rays from the lowest energy gamma-ray astronomy to the EHECR observations.]
- M.Boratav. Extremely high energy cosmic rays and the Auger
observatory. 7th International Workshop on Neutrino Telescopes. Venice
(April 1996). (PS file.)
- L.Celnikier. Desperately seeking the source of ultra high energy cosmic
rays. Rencontres de Moriond, February 1996. (PS file.)
- A.Etchegoyen, A.Filevich. El Proyecto Pierre Auger. Ciencia Hoy, Vo. 6 No 35 (1996).
- J.Lloyd-Evans, A.Watson. Cosmic Ray Mysteries. Physics World, September 1996.
- E.Zas. El Proyecto Pierre Auger. Revista Española de Física, 10 (1996) 4.
- M.Boratav, P.Peter. L'énigme des "Zetta-Machines". La Recherche, Novembre 1995.
- C.Megan Urry, Paolo Padovani. Unified schemes for radio-loud active
galactic nuclei. Pub. of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific (invited
review paper). 107 (1995) 803. [A 40 page review article on the
unification models of various types of AGNs and radio galaxies.]
- C.A.Norman, D.B.Melrose, A.Achterberg. The origin of cosmic rays above 1018.5 eV. ApJ 454 (1995) 60.
- Proceedings of the 17th Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics and
Cosmology (Munich 1994). [See in particular parts VII (Gamma ray bursts) and
VIII (Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays).]
- Proceedings of the 1994 Snowmass Summer study. Particle and nuclear
astrophysics and cosmology in the next millenium. E.W.Kolb and R.D.Peccei (ed.),
World Scientific. [See in particular contributions by A.Watson (p 126), and many
contributions from Auger collaborators (pp 340-376).]
- Philipp P. Kronberg. Extragalactic magnetic fields. Rep. Prog. Phys.
57 (1994) 325. [A 60 page review of the field: history, evolution,
detection methods.]
- Proceedings of the Tokyo Workshop on Techniques for the Study of Extremely
High Energy Cosmic Rays, ICRR-University of Tokyo (1993). [Giant Array and
Optical Detectors reviewed.]
- Proceedings of the International Workshop on Techniques to Study Cosmic
Rays with Energies Greater than 10**19 eV, Paris, Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.)
28B (1992) 61. [This is the starting point of the Auger Collaboration.
Many preliminary ideas on the detector are to be found here.]
- Peter Coles. Primordial Magnetic Fields and the Large Scale Structure
of the Universe. Comments Astrophys. 16 (1992) 45. [A model
consistent with observations where extragalactic fields have 10**(-9) gauss
strength and 1 Mpc cell sizes.]
- P.Sokolsky, P.Sommers, B.R.Dawson. Extremely High Energy Cosmic Rays. Phys. Rep.217 (1992) 225. [Contains a short review of ideas on production and
acceleration of UHE CR, a short description of the detectors having observed the
highest energy CR, a detailed review of the properties of, and the
observations made by, the Fly's Eye and a summary of the analysis methods.]